This isSaektide

I'm a full-service web designer & developer based on Argentina, working on the industry since 2019. I also use "they/them" pronouns if you want to refer me as a creative group.

I make experiences to inspire, solve problems for my people and seize opportunities. Feel free to reach out.

A boy with a dark-long hair covering one of its eyes with a purple color and movement filter. ( not a dream anymore. ) = 1023472800.
Still curious?keep scrolling...

Real life

Outside of my services, I enjoy composing Drum & Bass, retro games, listening music, and traveling. I'm always dreaming about moving to Canada with my boyfriend, I think it's a beautiful place to have a better workspace.

I'm in a relationship with a future Graphic Designer and I hope we can have a great future together.


We're humans, we have an identity but sometimes it's complicated for us to define it. That's why I have my values.

  • 1

    There's always a solution for a problem.

    Or, well, there may be more than just one solution. Life is change, and we adapt. That's how we grow.

  • 2

    Tools won't make you a better developer.

    Even if you're using IntelliSense, it doesn't make you a better developer. But the experience makes you a better person to design solutions.

  • 3

    Don't be afraid.

    Humans sense are important to understand a situation. Open your eyes, feel the environment around you.

  • 4

    Everyone is unique and special.

    As human beings, we may have certain conditions in our lives, from blindness to motor disabilities. That's why we build projects with A11Y.

  • 5

    Work with others, not alone.

    You may need some feedback and help from others to understand how you can improve your projects. Cooperating is a vital action.

  • 6

    Let the things happen.

    Life is beautiful, it may be short so we must enjoy it. Live each day as if it were the last.